Looking for Grandma
A Genealogical Research Service
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 2016 Looking for Grandma

2)  What will you be doing? Such as: what is your process and what is it that you do? (I am new to professional genealogy and need a brief description of what it is that you do)                   2) After establishing the starting point and expense limits the process these days begins with an online survey to see if the work has "been done" - of course the accuracy of such work is at issue! Using whatever leads have been provided by the client or generated by the survey the next level involves documentation through online resources such as Census records, etc. This material may establish additional generations of ancestry, and much information about the family groups involved. Third is "on site" research. This is often most economically done by a trip to the Family History Library at Salt Lake City. The millions of rolls of microfilm (and the books, etc) available at one location expedite the process. Naturally, not all material is available there. Thus, the Fourth step in the process can involve research at local repositories in whatever area. This can be undertaken by mail, through access to local researchers, or personally by the primary researcher. Consideration of costs - in time, confidence, and cash - must fall into the client’s guidelines and will determine the level of activity. Reports of findings are prepared and presented.
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